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PDF Splitter

Status: Ready
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How to Use:

1. Upload a PDF file using the file input above.
2. Enter the offset (optional): PDF files dont count pages the same way physical books do (page 1 might just be the cover for the file, but the author will typically list the first page of the first chapter as page 1). To make life easier, you can use the offset value to map pdf pages to content pages. For example, the first page of the first chapter is page 28 in the pdf file, and you may want to enter 28 here.
3. Enter the page numbers where you want to split the PDF. For example, entering "2,22" will split the PDF into three parts: pages 1-1, 2-21, and 22-end.
4. Click Split PDF to process the file.
5. Once the PDF is split, you can download each part individually using the buttons provided.


- This tool allows you to split a PDF file into multiple parts based on the page numbers you specify.
- The offset feature lets you account for PDFs where the content starts at a specific page number (e.g., page 28). If no offset is provided, the default is 1.
- The split is performed before the specified page numbers. For example, entering "2,22" will split the PDF into:
    - Part 1: Pages 1-1
    - Part 2: Pages 2-21
    - Part 3: Pages 22-end